Monday, December 20, 2010

San Jose, Costa Rica

I know it's not "life in Panama", but I figured I might as well blog about San Jose since I'm here (in transit back home for the holidays).  San Jose is the launching off point for every foreigner's Costa Rican holiday.  As such, there isn't a whole lot to see in San Jose itself.  The people are friendly.  The food is great. They have one of the coolest pedestrian walk signals I've ever seen.  The little guy runs in a fairly fluid animation.  As the clock counts down its final seconds, the little man continually speeds until he's sprinting in place.  Our walk signals seem so boring in comparison.

There are a few large markets, one of which was founded in 1880.  The markets are busy with Costa Ricans and the occasional gringo buying meats, cheeses, produce, spices, grains, and household goods.

I found a more rundown establishment to take lunch and sat down to a plate of frijoles negros, tajadas, arroz, pollo con salsa, ensalada verde, y algo mas que yo no sabia, pero lo fue mas sabroso que todo (warm squash salad maybe?).  The locals on the bar stools on either side were joking with eachother.  From what I could gather someone's team lost miserably yesterday.  I'm guessing it was soccer since they said it was a 90-minute slaughter.  The food was both cheap and excellent.

San Jose has areas with a definite Spanish feel- pedestrian thoroughfares like La Rambla in Barcelona, colonial architecture, people conversing in Spanish.  ;)

I wouldn't want to spend a week here, but it has its charm for a 24-hour layover.  Tomorrow is off to San Francisco for a few weeks to celebrate the holidays with family and friends.