Monday, September 27, 2010

Who Was I Then?

During training (more than a year ago), one of the volunteers in my group had a brilliant idea to answer a few simple questions, a time capsule of who we were before service.  As a year in site approaches, I thought opening the capsule to take a peek would be apropos.  All in all, I feel like I'm getting what I bargained for in the personal growth department.  I also feel like I'm tracking towards the idea of who I would be when all was said and done.  Here is what I wrote over a year ago.

Who Was I Then?

I used to be...
A manager with a high-paying job and power. People respected me for my knowledge.  I used to be uncomfortable in new settings and somewhat uncomfortable with myself.  I was introverted.  I used to be concerned with how people saw me instead of channeling that energy into projects to improve myself and the lives of those around me.  I lived life for the future.

I gave up...
A great relationship with a girl I loved.

I regret...
Not spending enough time with my sick grandmother.

I am afraid...
Of not being successful.  Success for me is measured by making a lasting impression on the community and being fluent in Spanish.  I am also afraid of all that I'm going to miss back at home.

I hope...
That I end up getting back together with Daphne. I hope that I conquer my fears: Spanish, success in the community, living in the moment.

I expect...
To be comfortable in my own skin.  I expect to make a difference.  I expect to be a better person.